Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Uber Album

The final wedding super album is done. I have sorted through the 1500+ images I received from our photographically talented friends and family, and compiled the best 368 into a single album. They are arranged in roughly chronological order, from getting ready to the ceremony to the receiving line, dinner, toasting and dancing. I've captioned most of them, let me know if you spot any errors (you can turn the captions off by clicking the little green box in the lower left of the slideshow if you find them distracting). The posed shots of the wedding party and families are collected at the end.

I haven't gotten any prints made to share yet (I will soon- I promise!) but if you click through the slideshow to the photo sharing website, you can download any particular images that strike your fancy.


Ericson said...

I didn't take any pictures, they're by Keeley for the first part of the day and Paul for the later part.

Addie said...

Yeah, that was a wierd one to know how to caption - all I could say for sure is that the pictures came from your camera. I'll go back through later and attribute them to Keeley and Paul, as close as I can guess.

Janet said...

Good editing job....I like it all.

Keeley said...

I think I had Tombi's camera up until the rope swing pics. I've also got a few of the 'gettin dressed with the ladies' on my own camera I can get to you soon. What a terrific day! Don't tell any of my other friends this...but your wedding was my favorite out of the six I went to this summer! Congrats to you both...again...