Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Bridesmaids' Attire

So, what do you bridesmaids want to wear? I am open to suggestions. I'm looking for something fancy enough to stand up against the boys' tuxes, but still practical enough that you can wear it again at least a few times. I want you guys to be comfortable, and of course to look fabulous. Sustainable/organic/natural fibers are a plus. Affordability is also important. For all of these reasons, I am thinking separates make the most sense.

I think it would be good to have the same silhouette but I'd like to vary the colors, at least for the tops. It would probably help make it obvious that you are all part of the bridal party if your skirts were the same color. So, for instance, we could do something like this:
With something like this:

The shirt is sheer organic cotton and the skirt is hemp/silk satin, both are from a wholesaler I have connections to through work, so we could get a very good price: $22 for the shirt and $32 for the skirt.

The shirt is available in Cloud (white), Foliage (grass green), River (bright blue), Orchid (pink/purple - pictured), Lemon (yellow), Robin's Egg (light blue/green) & Berry (red).

The skirt is available in Foliage (grass green), River (bright blue), Orchid (pink/purple), Coal (dark grey), Lemon (yellow), Berry (red), Herbal (olive green) & Acorn (medium brown).

I can picture you all in with the color of shirt that would suit you best - Charlotte in light blue/green, Janet in red, Miriam in green, Tombi in blue and Melissa in purple, with matching dark grey skirts...

But maybe this is too informal? Maybe we need to show those Tuxedoed Boyz just how nice we actually clean up? David's Bridal actually has some decent semi-formal separates, such as these:

Of course, they cost a bit more because they are retail (although perhaps a better deal could be found than David's), and they don't have the whole natural fibers thing going for them, but they do up the formality quite a bit. If you all had the same skirt we could mix up the top style as well as color, Which I think would be pretty cool.

Anyhow, what do you all think?


Janet said...

They are all lovely, but honestly I have trouble baring my legs (the bruises) could we consider long(er) length skirts as an option? Maybe something with a cut similar to THeresa at Texture's long skirts....

Ericson said...

I vote for longer as well I don't need to show off my pale scratched up legs. I like the first top, as it is something you could re-use but still dress it up with a nice necklace. Black for the skirts would be the easiest to mix and match tops with, but it seems a little dark. Speaking of necklaces you're welcome to borrow my diamond and pearl necklace from my wedding if you don't find something else to wear.

Addie said...

OK, Longer skirts it is! I feel the same way about my legs, I guess I wasn't thinking since I wasn't going to be wearing it. :)

I actually thought about going for Theresa's long skirts, but the plain hemp is a bit too homey. I suppose she might be able to do a special order with a differnent fabric...

Black is a little dark, I considered navy but the tuxes are black... maybe a royal blue?

Thanks for the necklace offer, Tombi! I'll keep it in mind.

Gabe said...

Well, we groomsdudes could break tradition and get ourselves some fancy colorful tuxes...

Do you think the rental shop has them in safety orange?

Addie said...

I doubt they carry safety orange, but Cantaloupe or Hot Pink is probably available... ;)

Cary's pretty set on looking all suave and fancy on his wedding day. He wants a tux like James Bond wears.

Aimee said...

Although I'm not a bridesmaid, I always welcome the opportunity to dole out my opinion:

I love halter tops.

That's it.

Oh, wait, one more...
You're going to have the best looking wedding party ever!!