Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Mission Accomplished: Dress

For any of you who haven't already heard (which would be odd, since I've pretty much been screaming the news from the rooftops) I got a dress! Its not at all what I expected to go home with, but that's life for you. I talked so much trash about embroidery, ruffles, beading, trains, veils and all the rest that I guess it was karmic justice that I fell for a dress with ALL of those things on it. I'm not going to put up pictures here, since Cary want's to be all traditional (awww, so cute!) and not see the dress until the big day. But if somehow you haven't already seen the pictures, let me know and I'll e-mail them to you.

Besides the dress, I also got the whole package: flouncy slip, corset/bra thing, two veils (one for the back and one for over the face), tiara, shawl, shoes... It's like a bride-in-a-bag hanging in my closet: Just add girl.

All in all, I had a very positive experience despite my misgivings about going to a corporate wedding-industrial outlet to find a dress. It really was fun, and the helper was really nice and made me feel very comfortable even though I was totally out of my element. Here's a picture of my Mom posing in a veil - note that the dress you see me in in the mirror is NOT the dress I chose. (It is the third dress on the list of possiblities that I posted below, if you are wondering why it looks familiar.)

Now that I have the dress thing all sewn up (har har) I feel like I'm ready to really move on and tackle all the other things I really need to get on, such as the invitations...

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