Sunday, May 27, 2007

Platters, Plates & Mugs

I've been yard-saling for plates, mugs, napkins and other useful wedding items the last couple of weekends. I just stop whenever have time and see one. I've collected quite a few so far: 72 plates, 42 mugs, and 44 pieces of silverware.
The only rule is that they have to have fruit, flowers, herbs or an abstract floral design on them. Its so much fun looking at my collection so far, they really are SO different! From old-fashioned to moderen, demure to bold, china to stoneware - as long as it's a plant-based design and under a buck, I'll take it. :)

Yesterday I scored these two beautiful silver-plated serving platters from an old lady on Yew Street for a total of $13. Not bad, eh?
I'm washing them as I get them, and storing them in Grandma Mary's china cabinet to wait for the big day. It's neat to see it filling up with dishes again - although Grandma Mary would probably be a little appalled that they are all mixed patterns. :)

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